Woofer and Boomer is a sign born from an idea of Denis Frezet, a professional musician but with an authentic passion for art and decoration: the shop is entirely dedicated to the world of hi-fi and audio systems; a space dedicated to music, where you can find pieces from the 70s - in perfect condition and working! -

as well as latest generation appliances.

The interior is both modern and retro. Vintage style and contemporary details blend seamlessly.

In the main room the walls are equipped with shelves and house various types of products: old turntables alternate with vintage gadgets and audio accessories.

The Fluoshop system is in total harmony with the mood of the shop: the glossy white shelves lend themselves to bringing out the pop colors of these little 70s treasures.

The tubulars painted in glossy black and the rounded shapes of the cabinets underline the seventies atmosphere that reigns throughout the store. The black / white color scheme is also used in the wallpapers, which are clearly inspired by a retro style.

A corner of the shop is specifically dedicated to musicians, who can find used instruments and second-hand pieces here.

A large mirror stands out at the back of the shop, because << I giovani, quando acquistano delle cuffie , amano specchiarsi!> > ensures Frezet.

To go to the room adjacent to the main one, you go through an irregularly shaped passage.

The room is adorned with a juke box, in which CDs have replaced vinyl records.

On the first floor, a room is dedicated to the 3D works of the artist Corelia Roché.

Containers in the center of the room house vinyl records.

Next to it, a large room overlooking the terrace is furnished with large armchairs. Here you can listen to music as you would in your own home. << Questo permette ai clienti di testare i prodotti in una condizione reale> > says Denis. Next to the fireplace, a small library offers biographies of singers and musicians, but also numerous magazines to browse through < > concludes Denis.

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